Web「oratory(オラトリー)」のオリジナル単語のネイティブ発音と、カタカナ英語の発音の比較リスニングや読み方の違いを、耳で聴いて確認できます。日本語の意味や漢字も表示されるため、簡単に英単語を理解できます。また、類義語や関連語のほか、対義語や反対語の一覧表示もあり、外来語や ... Web1 day ago · Oratory definition: Oratory is the art of making formal speeches which strongly affect people's feelings and... Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
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Web意味 (英語) (noun) The art of public speaking. (noun) Eloquence or skill in making speeches to the public. (noun) Public speaking marked by the use of overblown rhetoric. (noun) A place for prayer, such as a small private chapel. (noun) A Roman Catholic religious society founded in 1575 by Saint Philip Neri and consisting of secular priests. WebDefine oratory. oratory synonyms, oratory pronunciation, oratory translation, English dictionary definition of oratory. n. 1. The art of public speaking. 2. Eloquence or skill in making speeches to the public. 3. Public speaking marked by the use of overblown rhetoric. n. highest rated vitamin supplements
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Webdebonaireとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 ((やや古))〈特に男が〉あいそのよい;礼儀正しい,物腰の丁寧な2 陽気な,くったくのない語源[原義は「よい性格の」]debonaireの派生語debonairely, debonairly副debonaireness, debonairness名 - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 Webresolution指自觉地正式表示的决心,含极强的主观能动意味,比如new yearu0027s resolution。 decision既可指重大的或一般的决定或决心,又可指在多种情况下作出果断的抉择,毫不犹豫地采取行动。 determination侧重坚定不移的顽强意志力。 Weboratory, the rationale and practice of persuasive public speaking. It is immediate in its audience relationships and reactions, but it may also have broad historical repercussions. The orator may become the voice of political or social history. A vivid instance of the way a speech can focus the concerns of a nation was Martin Luther King’s address to a massive … highest rated vodka